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Tolerates a broader feed variation
Ordinarily, maintaining conditions in oxidative leaching processes that maximise kinetics and leaching extent can be challenging because the feed grade and feed rate varies. This is because the sulphide minerals are the fuel to the oxidative leaching process.
Variability in the sulphide grade, feed rate, or fuel input of the feed causes process interruptions or loss of efficiency in pressure or bacterial leaching.
However, the Albion Process™ is not affected by variations in feed quality and quantity provided the oxidation demand is kept within the capacity of the oxygen plant which is not difficult.
GPM Gold in Armenia has increased recovery of gold from refractory ore from 20% to over 95%, outperforming the design of 92%. Even with the feed rate varying from 25–70 tonnes per hour, and sulphur varying from 8–35% the recovery was maintained at or above design gold recovery levels from the residue.