Don't miss our technical presentation at ALTA 2023!

ALTA is Australia's leading platform for metallurgical innovation and will be held at  the Pan Pacific Hotel in Perth from May 1 to 5.

Paul Bullock, Principal Metallurgist - Albion Process will be presenting the technical paper, "Driving Stagewise Development of Gold Projects with the Jameson Concentrator and Albion ProcessTM". Download the abstract here.

Our ALTA team will be at the conference ready to discuss the advancement they have made in hydrometallurgy. Download the technical presentation abstract here, our brochure below, and be sure to fill out our contact form if you have any questions for them.



Technical Presentation

Driving Stagewise Development of Gold Projects with the Jameson Concentrator and Albion Process™

Presented by Paul Bullock Time: 11:30am Day: Thursday, 4th May 2023

Language: English

As ore reserves of easily recoverable gold deplete, opportunities to treat and recover gold hosted in neighbouring sulphide deposits and tailings can extend the life of mining operations. Through real world examples, this paper reviews common challenges to be identified and overcome through dedicated testing programs that Glencore Technology lead for a client, environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria that inform testing and design, and the impact of these factors prior to project implementation.

Download the abstract

Our ALTA 2023 Team

Laurie McDonnell

Senior Metallurgist - Albion Process™

About Laurie

Laurie McDonnell is a Senior Metallurgist within the Albion Process™ team at Glencore Technology. He has a strong hydrometallurgical background with over 17 years of experience in the minerals processing industry and has been with Glencore since 2014. In that time he has worked on site at Murrin Murrin Operations before moving across to Glencore Technology in 2021. He now works across the scoping and feasibility of projects for both greenfield and brownfield operations, assisting clients to tailor test work programs and engineering studies to assess the application of the Albion Process™ for increased metal uplift of base and precious metals.

Sarah Domanti

Metallurgist - Albion Process™

About Sarah

Sarah Domanti is a Metallurgist working in the Albion Process™ technology team at Glencore Technology. She joined Glencore Technology 3 years ago as a graduate with the ISAKIDD™ team in Townsville before transitioning to Brisbane towards the end of her graduate program. Sarah has spent time gaining practical experience at various Glencore operations including Copper Refineries Ltd and McArthur River Mine. She now works across the scoping and feasibility of projects for both greenfield and brownfield operations, assisting clients to tailor testwork programs and engineering studies to assess the application of the Albion Process™ for increased metal uplift of base and precious metals.

Jackson Emmett

Senior Mechanical Engineer

About Jackson

Jackson Emmett is the Lead Mechanical Engineer for Albion Process™ & Hydrometallurgy projects at Glencore Technology. He has 20 years of experience in mining and metals and has been with Glencore Technology since 2018. Jackson and the Albion Process™ team have developed the OxiLeach™ series of leach reactors in a variety of sizes to suit any application and throughput.


Albion Process™ eBrochure

Click here to download

Jameson Concentrator eBrochure

Click here to download

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Тонкое измельчение

В IsaMill™ используется горизонтальнеая кофигурация, чтобы улучшить энергоэффективность, крупность продукта и коэффициент готовности.


Флотомашина Джеймсон (Jameson Cell) производит больше концентрата в пересчете на каждый инвестированный доллар, метр площади и год эксплуатации.


Процесс Альбион™ (Albion Process™) предназначен для выщелачивания самых разных видов питания, снижает затраты и помогает быстрее выйти на проектную мощность.

Распределение газа

HyperSparge™ обеспечивает подачу большего количества газа в процессы выщелачивания и окисления и отличается высокой эксплуатационной готовностью.



ISASMELT™ обеспечивает чистую, экономичную и высокоинтенсивную плавку в реальных условиях.

Катодные пластины и оборудование

ISAKIDD™ лучшим выбором для электролиза и рафинирования реальных условиях.